hahaa i think most of you will be curious what is ''3JC''... i'm confuse too at first... but of coz i know what is it now... it is the short form of the mandarin word 三間庄 3 Jian Zhuang
usually we find this 3JC pork meat noodle in hawker stall... but now they are upgraded into shopping malls !!! and of coz with a higher price too... dont expect for the same price with air-conditional place.
can collect points with your One Card too
the pork meat ball noodle

the dry pork meat ball mee hoon

the dry pork meat ball mee hoon
tea tarik
some shots on the menu..

they serve a variety of noodles and rice too.... got dumplings, wanton, fish ball, meat balls, vegies etc..

even have toast... and half boil eggs...

variety of drinks tooo...

even have toast... and half boil eggs...
(i think now toast and eggs are a compulsory in restaurants is it?? can see them in almost all restaurants... malaysian loves that)
variety of drinks tooo...
the noodle is quite similar like the ones outside ... so depends you to pay a little extra for the nice cold environment to enjoy your meal ... hehhee