This is one of the place I must visit when I go back Penang. -- 高佬沙河粉!! Koh Low Sar Hor Fun is a stall inside Yi Garden Cafe (怡园茶室). Its located at corner of the T junction between Macalister Road and Lorong Selamat.

The only stall in the cafe with most of the helpers.

Sar hor fun (沙河粉) priced from RM4.50 and another specialties is the Oyster Noodle (蠔面) from RM5.50. You might missed the oyster noodle if you go there late. Besides, they also have normal noodles such as loh mee, yee mee fried noodles upon request.

Penang Sar Hor Fun (沙河粉) is a mix of fried mee hoon and hor fun with thick gravy and usually without egg.
Koh Low Sar Hor Fun (高佬沙河粉) with egg @ RM5.00 (additional RM0.50 for egg)

the Hor Fun (河粉) is bigger and broader in pieces which is very different from those kueh teow (粿条) of Wah Tan Hor (滑蛋河) we have in KL. The Hor Fun is smooth and the mix with mee hoon is totally different from Wah Tan Hor. They usually comes with fresh prawns, pork fillet, fish fillet and some vege. Delicious !!!

Besides Koh Low Sar Hor Fun (高佬沙河粉), Yi Garden Cafe also have several other stalls eg. Fried Oyster, WanTon Noodle, Pan Mee and Meat/Seafood Porridge.
Fried Oyster with egg is using Cakur (炭) to fried that why the fire is flaming hard. Priced from RM7.00 - RM12.00.

Fried Oyster with Egg @ RM10.00

Big fat oyster is fresh!! but the egg texture is so so only. Hahhaa

Dry Wan Tan Noodle @ RM4.00

The noodle itself looks more yellowish and curly looks like ''rubber band'', chewy and more 爽口. Their dry noodle is mix with oyster sauce and some soup, so it looks more watery compared with the usual dry and black soy sauce of WanTon noodle in KL.

Comes with 4 huge WanTon (云吞) !! with prawns and meat in it.

Taken from the opposite road of Macalister Road.

Opposite of Sin Chew Paper Building.
if i go to penang, i want to try.
ReplyDeletei never been to penang haih..the food looks so yummy!
ReplyDeletenal: okie..
ReplyDeleteVenusa: many nice food in Penang... explore there one day!!
penang have alot nice thing can eat
ReplyDeleteall the food was so tempting...i cant wait to go back to malaysia to eat.. feel free to click me